Autotrasporti Perrotti – The Queen & The Princess Lamborghini

Congratulations to our trusted customer Autotrasporti Perrotti, who commissioned us to create these two wonderful works of art: two TMT moving floor semi trailers, one themed Lamborghini “The Princess” dedicated to his daughter and the other one customized with the green chameleon “The Queen” for his wife. We can only be proud to be part […]
Leader of Growth 2021

TMT Tanks & Trailers awarded Leader of Growth 2021 by Il Sole 24 Ore and Statista! 🏆For the second consecutive year we are 4th in the ranking of the 400 Italian companies that have changed their business model, created new social projects and achieved greater growth in turnover between 2016 and 2019.More and more satisfactions!➡ […]